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Short:        2SF (Nintendo DS) TuneNet plugin
Author:       Fredrik Wikstrom
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         mus/play
Version:      1.1
Architecture: ppc-amigaos
Download:     audio/tunenet/tune2sf_plug.lha


Drag and drop TN_2SF.tnplug and data to TuneNet's plugin drawer.


 - Plays .2sf/.mini2sf files

The plugin uses quite a lot of CPU so it is recommended that TuneNet Player
priority (in preferences) is set lower than 20 so it doesn't take CPU from the
input.device task.


1.1 (11-Mar-2008)
 - First released version
Copyright © 2025 Fredrik Wikström (fredrik at a500 dot org)