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Short: GameCube plugin for TuneNet Author: Fredrik Wikstrom Uploader: Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org> Type: mus/play Version: 1.4 Architecture: ppc-amigaos Download: audio/tunenet/tunecube_plug.lha Installation: Drag and drop TN_Cube.tnplug into TuneNet's plugin drawer. Features: Based on libpokecubed. - Supports several formats (ADX,ADP,AST,DSP,...) - For a complete list, see: - No seeking Changes: 1.4 (29-Nov-2007) - Updated AFCdecodebuffer() code with that of in_cube 0.23b4 - Disabled looping in afc.c which was causing problems 1.3 (28-Nov-2007) - Fixed crash in PCM decoder - Decreased sound buffer size - Integrated code for new formats from in_cube 0.23b4 1.2 (27-Nov-2007) - Fixed playback not stopping on EOF 1.1 (27-Nov-2007) - First released version