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Short:        MSXPlug based plugin for TuneNet
Author:       Fredrik Wikstrom
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         mus/play
Version:      1.5
Architecture: ppc-amigaos
Replaces:     mus/play/tunekss_plug.lha
Download:     audio/tunenet/tunemsx_plug.lha


Drag and drop TN_MSXPlug.tnplug and data into TuneNet's plugin drawer.

Delete TN_KSS.tnplug if it exists in TuneNet/Plugins.


Based on code from msxplugplay.

Supports the following formats:
 - BGM
 - KSS
 - MBM
 - MGS
 - MPK103/106
 - OPX


1.5 (26-Mar-2008)
 - Renamed to TN_MSXPlug

1.4 (26-Mar-2008)
 - Added driver files and code for loading them (MBM playback works now, as
   should all others as well)

1.3 (26-Mar-2008)
 - Compiled with MBM, MPK and OPX support enabled

1.2 (26-Mar-2008)
 - Doubled pcm buffer size

1.1 (26-Mar-2008)
 - First released version
Copyright © 2025 Fredrik Wikström (fredrik at a500 dot org)