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Short: PSF plugin for TuneNet Author: Fredrik Wikstrom Uploader: Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org> Type: mus/play Version: 1.3 Architecture: ppc-amigaos Download: audio/tunenet/tunepsf_plug.lha Installation: 1. Copy TN_PSF.tnplug and the data directory into TuneNet's plugin drawer 2. Restart TuneNet Features: Based on SexyPSF 0.4.8 - No seeking Compiling: "make" Changes: 1.3 (22-Nov-2007) - Gets the length of non-looping PSF files - Fixed deadlock when a tune ended by itself 1.2 (22-Nov-2007) - Gets tune title and genre from .psf file (if available) - Only tries to open PSF\1 files - Filters out psflib files 1.1.1 (22-Nov-2007) - Uploaded debug versions of binaries by mistake (fixed) 1.1 (22-Nov-2007) - First released version