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Short:        Docky that displays the current time and date
Author:       Fredrik Wikstrom
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         util/time
Version:      52.4
Architecture: ppc-amigaos
Download:     dockies/datetime_docky.lha


1. Copy TimeDate.docky anywhere on harddrive (f.e. SYS:Utilities/Dockies)
2. Add to an AmiDock dock


Docky settings can be changed by modifying the icon's tooltypes.

Currently these tooltypes are used by the docky:

AMPM - Enables 12-hour mode (AM/PM)
DATEFMT - Defaults to DOS (dd-mmm-yy)
 - Following are allowed values (x / y means that x and y are equivalent):
    - DOS / dd-mmm-yy
    - INT / yy-mmm-dd
    - USA / mm-dd-yy
    - CDN / dd-mm-yy
	- ISO / yyyy-mm-dd
FONTNAME - Name of fixedwidth font to use (with .font extension)
 - Defaults to system default font
FONTSIZE - Size of font
 - Only used if FONTNAME is also specified
TEXTCOLOR - RGB of colour used for text (ffffff)
SHADOWCOLOR - RGB of colour used for text shadow (000000)




52.4 (3-Oct-2008)
 - Added TEXTCOLOR and SHADOWCOLOR tooltypes

52.3 (9-Oct-2007)
 - Fixed the missing zero in 12-hour mode

52.2 (14-Mar-2007)
 - Added AMPM/DATEFMT/FONTNAME/FONTSIZE tooltype settings

 - First released version
Copyright © 2025 Fredrik Wikström (fredrik at a500 dot org)