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Short:        X-Box CD/DVD filesystem
Author:       Fredrik Wikstrom
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         disk/misc
Version:      52.3
Architecture: ppc-amigaos
Download:     filesystems/xiso_fs.lha

Note: I don't have an X-Box nor access to any X-Box discs so this filesystem
has so far only been tested with diskimage.device and .xiso files generated by
the extract-xiso program.


Copy L:XISOFileSystem SYS:L/


Example DOSDriver for mounting .xiso files with diskimage.device is included.
Simply drag the ICD1 file into either SYS:Devs/DOSDrivers or

For using it with another device than diskimage.device you must modify the
Device/Unit information inside the DOSDriver file and in the icon tooltypes
(currently these are set to diskimage.device unit 5).


52.3 (21-Sep-2010)
 - Fixed ACTION_MORE_CACHE implementation (returns number of buffers in dp_Res1
   instead of dp_Res2)
 - Added support for ACTION_COPY_DIR_FH packet

52.2 (16-Sep-2010)
 - Removed the need for setting up an array of filesystem objects in
   GenerateDirTree() function
 - Disabled debug output

52.1 (15-Sep-2010)
 - First released version
Copyright © 2024 Fredrik Wikström (fredrik at a500 dot org)