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Category: General
Short: All to ISO disk image converter Author: Fredrik Wikstrom Uploader: Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org> Type: util/conv Version: 1.11 Replaces: util/conv/iso-o-matic.lha Architecture: ppc-amigaos Download: other/iso-o-matic.lha Usage: Select disk image file and press "Go!". Generated ISO file files will be saved in the same directory with file extension changed to ".iso". Requirements: expat.library v4.1 or newer for .dmg support z.library v50.0 or newer for .cso, .daa, .dax, .dmg and .uif support Info: The following input formats are supported: - b5i - bin - c2d - cdi - cso (Compressed ISO) - daa - dax - dmg - gi (?) - img (CloneCD) - iso - mdf (Alcohol) - nrg (Nero) - pdi - raw - toast (same as iso) - uif The following output formats are supported: - iso - cso (Compressed ISO) When outputting as CSO only ISO files are converted immediately. All other formats are converted to ISO first, then CSO. Iso-o-omatic logo graphics and program idea by Spot/Up Rough. Changes: 1.11 (13-Mar-2008) - Updated italian catalog - Doesn't show "expat.library error" when expat runs out of memory - Fixed seek errors on some .dmg files 1.10 (10-Mar-2008) - Updated french catalog - Added german catalog - Updated italian catalog - Added requester for deleting of partial output files - Fixed crashing in .dmg code for some .dmg files 1.9 (25-Feb-2008) - Fixed a couple of bugs in the .dax support - Changed compression level strings (now localised) (18-Feb-2008) - Added italian catalog - Updated french catalog 1.8 (10-Feb-2008) - Added .toast support (treated same as .iso) - Fixed situation when drag'n'dropping on window while program is busy - Added .c2d support See the Changelog file in the archive for a complete list of changes.