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Short: IFF-ANIM player Author: M. Wolf, Fredrik Wikstrom (AROS port) Uploader: Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org> Type: gfx/show Architecture: i386-aros Download: video/iffanimplay.i386-aros.rar ################### iffanimplay ################### Version: 30-mar-2007 Author: M. Wolf Internet: License: GNU LGPL ( Purpose: -------- - plays iff anim files in a window - animations with audio supported ("WaveTracer DS" format) - can export frames to single BMP files with audio and timing information - uses the "libiffanim" library from the same author and SDL - supported compression modes: 0,5,7,8,74('J') (referring to "libiffanim") USAGE: ------ iffanimplay [file] [options] example: "iffanimplay "iffanim "somedir/anims/fun.anim" -loop -loopanim -fixtime2 -neww256"